DATE: SUNDAY 27th March 2022
TIME: 09:15 for the briefing, 09:30 sharp for On On
HARES: Caesar “The Doctor”Ang, Carlo Ricotta “Cavallo”, Tarik Alkhalil “Goose”, Saad “Big Disk” Khoury,, Paul “Bell End Red” Welfare, Cristian “Pussy Hunter” Correddu, Andrew “Buck” Rodgers, Vaidotas Abaravicus, Foo Ming Huang, Alan Vaughn
GPS Coordinates: 3°24'5.44"N 101°32'32.08"E (Waze Link | Google Maps Link)
Follow Lebuhraya Utara - Selatan/E1 (NKVE) toward Ipoh
Take Exit 118 - Bkt. Beruntung toward Bkt. Beruntung/Serendah/Batang Kali
After exiting the toll, turn right at the traffic light onto Route 3208 towards Bukit Sentosa (Bukit Beruntung)
At the 1st set of traffic lights go straight
At the 2nd traffic light turn right toward Prima Beruntung
Continue going straight for 3km and you’ll see a sign board that says Jalan Mawar, turn right !! (Jalan Mawar 2)
Go straight for 60m and you’ll see a row of abandon shop lots on your right

What to say about this ride: Spectacular, fast, and flowing, the perfect bash for those of us who really enjoy riding on single track. The Usual Suspects return to our favourite haunt, for the restart of KLMBH Hashing to ease us all back into the habit, only 30 mins north of KL. The best sections from the past bashes (2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019) have been kept and we have added some brand new connections to challenge the most seasoned riders. In contrast to the Usual Suspects modus operandi of no hike-a-bike and 100% rideable, we have a 100m section for moderate pushing. Despite trying for weeks to connect to the most enjoyable downhill on the other side, we had to concede. No worries if you want to avoid this section, there will be signs to avoid it. Please do try it, the down is fast!
THE SHORT RIDE is very a ridable trail and great fun. If you are a beginner or someone who has ridden previous KLMBH short ride bash and think it was too tough; come and enjoy this bash. You will ride easy downhill through wilderness, single track, covered palm and rubber plantation and very scenic area which is normally experienced by riders of the long ride. Even though the ride is approx. 15 km, it will feel like less as the flowing trails will not take too much toll on your legs.
Short Ride will be approx. 15km
THE LONG RIDE is just the best; put on your slick tyres and ride it like you stole it. Do not come if you want a ball’s out, super tough, near death experience, do come if you want a fast-paced circumnavigation of beautiful scenery, mainly single track, forest, rubber, palm oil etc. All the climbs are doable (if you are Carlo). The ride along the SG. Buaya is just perfect and has a balancing challenge towards the end. No worries, you will not fall far if you don’t make it.
Long ride will be approx. 25km

We recommend you bring a minimum of 3 litres of water, lots of mozzie repellent, sunblock, spare tube(s), CO2 canister, bicycle tool, bicycle pump, shock pump, a pair of shoes, cable ties, spare pedals, extra saddle, brake pads, and a an eagerness to have some serious fun.
Liquid is a must, we currently have a hot spell - you must heed this warning. Some of us went through 3 litres of fluid last weekend. The good news is there is a shop at around the half way mark on the long.
Electrolytes recommended if you are a mediocre rider attempting the long ride on a very hot day.
A camera to take selfie along the way.
Stay on Paper!!! If you ride and you are off paper, please do the right thing and back track to pick up paper and follow paper!!
Ride in a group and put on a big smile on your face, it helps to ease the pain.
Did we mention Stay on Paper!!!!!!!
